Academic Masters Forum No. 15

2021-07-02 5479

Title: Self-Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles toward Biodetection

Speaker: Prof.Luis M. Liz-Marzán

Date/Time: 2021.07.16 15:00-16:30

Location:  Zoom Meeting Room No.85894121124  (Password Master)

Inviter: Prof. Hongjing Dou



Luis Liz-Marzán is Ikerbasque Professor and Scientific Director at CIC biomaGUNE, in San Sebastian (Spain). He graduated in chemistry from the University of Santiago de Compostela, was postdoc at Utrecht University and Professor at the University of Vigo (1995–2012). He has also been Invited Professor at various institutions worldwide. Liz-Marzán received numerous research awards, including a Humboldt research award, ACS Nano lecture award, Medal of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry, National Chemistry Award and 2 ERC Advanced Grants. He is also member of the Royal Spanish Academy of Sciences and of Academia Europaea. He is co-author of over 500 publications and 9 patents, and has delivered over 500 invited lectures. He is currently associate editor of ACS Nano, has been co-editor in chief of ACS Omega and senior editor of Langmuir, and serves in the editorial boards of various other journals, including Science. His major research activity is devoted to understand the growth mechanisms of metal nanocrystals, to tailor their surface chemistry, thereby directing their self-assembly. He also works on the design of biomedical applications based on the plasmonic properties of well-defined metal nanoparticles and nanostructures, including surface enhanced Raman scattering.



Nanoplasmonics can be defined as the science studying the manipulation of light using materials of size much smaller than the radiation wavelength. This technology finds applications in various fields including sensing and diagnostics. An essential component of nanoplasmonics are the nanostructured materials, typically noble metals, which can very efficiently absorb and scatter light because of their ability to support coherent oscillations of free (conduction) electrons. Although the remarkable optical response of “finely divided” metals is well known since more than 150 years ago, the recent development of sophisticated characterization techniques and modeling methods has dramatically reactivated the field. An extremely important pillar supporting the development of nanoplasmonics has been the impressive advancement in fabrication methods, which provide us with an exquisite control over the composition and morphology of nanostructured metals. Colloid chemistry methods in particular have the advantages of simplicity and large-scale production, while offering a number of parameters that can be used as a handle to direct not only nanoparticle morphology but also surface properties and subsequent processing.

This talk will present a selection of fabrication methods that allow fine tuning of the morphology of nanoplasmonic building blocks, with the ultimate goal of improving their optical properties and their performance in sensing applications. Several examples will be presented in which nanostructured materials comprising gold nanoparticles were used as substrates for ultrasensitive detection of biorelevant molecules.
