

  • 1986-09 ~ 1990-07    山东工业大学     材料科学与工程系  本科
  • 1990-09 ~ 1993-07    山东工业大学     材料科学与工程系  硕士
  • 1993-09 ~ 1996-07    上海交通大学     塑性成形工程系  博士
  • 1996-08 ~ 1998-04    上海交通大学塑性成形工程系  讲师
  • 1998-04 ~ 1999-04    美国密歇根大学  访问学者
  • 1999-04 ~ 2004-08    上海交通大学塑性成形工程系  副教授
  • 2004-09 ~ 2004-12    上海交通大学塑性成形工程系  教授,2004.10起任模具CAD国家工程研究中心副主任
  • 2004-12 ~ 2011-04    上海交通大学塑性成形工程系  教授、博导,期间,2006.7-2011.4任上海交通大学塑性成形工程系副主任
  • 2011-04 ~ 2015-05    上海交通大学77779193永利塑性成形技术与装备研究院  副院长
  • 2011-04 ~ 至今    上海交通大学77779193永利塑性成形技术与装备研究院  教授、博导
  • 2015-05 ~ 至今    上海交通大学77779193永利塑性成形技术与装备研究院  院长
  • 轻质高强薄板塑性成形与数控渐进成形
  • 塑性成形力学模型与数值仿真、设计优化


  • 华中科技大学材料成形与模具技术国家重点实验室  学术委员会委员
  • 山东省高校机械装备设计与仿真重点实验室  学术委员会副主任
  • 中国模具工业协会经济技术信息委员会  副主任委员
  • 中国机械工程学会塑性工程分会  常务理事
  • 上海市模具行业协会  副会长
  • Journal of Materials Processing Technology  编委
  • Proceedings of iMeche, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture  Associate Editor
  • 上海交通大学学报、塑性工程学报、锻压技术、精密成型工程和上海航天科技等期刊  编委
  • 上海市优秀学术带头人
  • 省部级科技进步一等奖1项
  • 国际学术会议杰出贡献奖2项
  • 人才奖励计划4项
  • Zhidong Chang, Meng Li Ming Li, Jun Chen*. Analytical modeling and experimental validation of the forming force in several typical incremental sheet forming processes, 2019, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 140: 62-76
  • Zhidong Chang, Jun Chen*. Analytical model and experimental validation of surface roughness for incremental sheet metal forming parts, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 146 (2019) 103453
  • Qi Hu, Li Zhang, Qiubao Ouyang, Xifeng Li, Xinhai Zhu, Jun Chen*. Prediction of forming limits for anisotropic materials with nonlinear strain paths by an instability approach,2018, International Journal of Plasticity,103:143-167
  • Qi Hu, Xifeng Li, Jun Chen*. New robust algorithms for Marciniak-Kuczynski model to calculate the forming limit diagrams, 2018, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 148: 293-306
  • Xifeng Li, Nanan Chen, H Wu, Jun Chen*, F Qu. Low-temperature superplastic gas bulging of Ti-55 alloy by hydrogen addition, 2018, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43(27): 12455-12459
  • Huan Zhang, Zixuan Zhang, Huaqing Ren, Jian Cao, Jun Chen*. Deformation mechanics and failure mode in stretch and shrink flanging by double-sided incremental forming, 2018, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 144: 216-222
  • Qi Hu, Xifeng Li, Jun Chen*. On the calculation of plastic strain by simple method under non-associated flow rule, 2018, European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 67: 45-57
  • Qi Hu, Xifeng Li, Xianhong Han, Heng Li, Jun Chen*. A normalized stress invariant-based yield criterion: modeling and validation, 2017, International Journal of Plasticity 99: 248-273
  • Qi Hu, Xifeng Li, Jun Chen*. On the calculation of plastic strain by simple method under nonassociated flow rule, 2018, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 67: 45-57
  • Xianhong Han, Yaoyao Zhong, Shulin Tan, Yanan Ding, Jun Chen*. Microstructure and performance evaluations on Q&P hot stamping parts of several UHSS sheet metals, Science China Technological Sciences, 2017, doi: 10.1007/s11431-016-9111-y
  • Xifeng Li, Nannan Chen, Jun Chen*, Qiongfeng Mei, Li Wan, CL Jia, H Liu. Superplastic deformation behavior of Ti-55 alloy without and with 0.1wt%H addition, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2017
  • Xifeng Li, Jun Jiang, Shen Wang, Jun Chen*,YQ Wang. Effect of hydrogen on the microstructure and superplasticity of Ti-55 alloy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017 (42): 6338-6349
  • Tingting Cao, Bin Lu, Hengan Ou, Hui Long, Jun Chen*. Investigation on a new hole-flanging approach by incremental sheet forming though a featured tool. International journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2016, 110:1-17
  • Qi Hu, Xifeng Li, Xianhong Han, Jun Chen*. A new shear and tension based ductile fracture criterion: modeling and validation, 2017, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 66: 370-386
  • Xiangyu Yu, Jun Chen*, Jieshi Chen. Interaction effect of cracks and anisotropic influence on degradation of edge stretchability in hole-expansion of advanced high-strength steel, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016(105):348-359
  • Bin Lu Yang Fang, Dongkai Xu, Jun Chen*, Sheng Ai, Hui Long, Hengan Ou, Jian Cao. Investigation of material deformation mechanism in double side incremental sheet forming. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2015 (93): 37-48
  • Jun Chen*, Yuzhong Xiao, Wei Ding, Xinhai Zhu. Describing the non-saturating cyclic hardening behavior with a newly developed kinematic hardening model and its application in springback prediction of DP sheet metals, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 215 (2015): 151 - 158
  • Feifei Zhang, Xifeng Li, Yongchao Xu, Jun Chen*, Jieshi Chen, Gang Liu, Shijian Yuan. Simulating sheet metal double-sided hydroforming by using thick shell element, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 221: 13-20
  • Feifei Zhang, Jieshi Chen, Jun Chen*, Xinhai Zhu. Forming limit model evaluation for anisotropic sheet metal under through-thickness normal stress, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 89: 40-46
  • Bin Lu, Yang Fang, Dongkai Xu, Jun Chen*, Hengan Ou, NH Moser, Jian Cao. Mechanism investigation of friction-related effects in single point incremental forming using a developed oblique roller-ball tool International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2014, (85): 14-29
  • Dongkai Xu, Weichao Wu, Rajav Malhotra, Jun Chen, Bin Lu, Jian Cao. Mechanism investigation for the influence of tool rotation and laser surface texturing (LST) on formability in single point incremental forming. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2013,73: 37-46
  • Yang Fang, Bin Lu, Jun Chen*, Dongkai Xu, Hengan Ou. Analytical and experimental investigations on deformation mechanism and fracture behavior in single point incremental forming. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2014, (214): 1503-1515
  • Yuzhong Xiao, Jun Chen*, Xinhai Zhu, Jian Cao. Modified maximum mechanical dissipation principle for rate-independent metal plasticity, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 80(061020-1), 2013
  • Bin Lu, Jun Chen*, Hengan Ou, Jian Cao. Feature-based tool path generation approach for incremental sheet forming process. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2013, 213(7):1221-1233
  • Yuzhong Xiao, Jun Chen*, Jian Cao. A generalized thermodynamic approach for modeling nonlinear hardening behaviors. International Journal of Plasticity, 2012, 38: 102-122
  • Feifei Zhang, Jun Chen*, Jieshi Chen, Jian Lu, Gang Liu, Shijian Yuan. Overview on constitutive modeling for hydroforming with the existence of through-thickness normal stress. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2012, 212(11): 2228-2237
  • Haibo Li, Jun Chen*, Jimmy Yang. Experimental and numerical investigation of laminated steel sheet in V-bending process considering nonlinear visco-elasticity of polymer layer. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2012, 212(1): 36-45
  • Dongkai Xu, Jun Chen*, Yucheng Tang, Jian Cao. Topology optimization of die weight reduction for high-strength sheet metal stamping. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2012, 59(1): 73-82
  • Zhidong Chang, Jun Chen*. Mechanism of the twisting in incremental sheet forming process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 276 (2020) 116396
  • Zhiheng Wang, Sheng Cai, Jun Chen*. Experimental investigations on friction stir assisted single point incremental forming of low-ductility aluminum alloy sheet for higher formability with reasonable surface quality, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2019, Article in press
  • Xifeng Li, Xin Chen, Baoyong Li, Nannan Chen, Jun Chen*. Grain refinement mechanism of Ti-55 titanium alloy by hydrogenation and dehydrogenation treatment, Materials Characterization, 157 (2019) 109919
  • Renhao Wu, Qi Hu, Meng Li, Sheng Cai, Jun Chen*. Evaluation of the forming limit of incremental sheet forming based on ductile damage, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2019, Article in press