

  • 2003-09 ~ 2007-06    东南大学   材料科学与工程专业     学士
  • 2007-09 ~ 2009-06    瑞典皇家理工学院   纳米技术专业     硕士
  • 2009-09 ~ 2012-06    瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学   物理专业     博士
  • 2013-07 ~ 2015-07    德国马克斯-普朗克聚合物研究所  博士后,洪堡学者
  • 2015-07 ~ 至今    上海交通大学  讲师
  • 离子与电子传输
  • 光电功能材料的电子结构


  • 2016年入选上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划
  • 2014年入选德国洪堡学者
  • 2014年获瑞士中子散射协会青年科学家奖
  • Q. Chen, F. El Gabaly, F. Aksoy, Z. Liu, B. S. Mun, S. Yamaguchi, A. Braun, Observation of oxygen vacancy filling in the BaCe0.8Y0.2O3-δ proton conductor with in-situ XPS and impedance spectroscopy, Chem. Mater. 25(23), 4690-4696 (2013)
  • Q. Chen, J. Banyte, X. Zhang, J. P. Embs, A. Braun, Proton diffusivity in spark plasma sintered BaCe0.8Y0.2O3-δ: in-situ combination of quasi-elastic neutron scattering and impedance spectroscopy, Solid State Ionics 252, 2-6 (2013)
  • A. Braun, Q. Chen, D. Flak, G. Fortunato, K. Gajda-Schrantz, M. Gr?tzel, T. Graule, J. Guo, T.-W. Huang, Z. Liu, A. Popelo, K. Sivula, H. Wadati, P. P. Wyss, L. Zhang, J. Zhu, Iron resonant photoemission spectroscopy on anodized hematite points to electron hole doping during anodization, ChemPhysChem 13, 2937-2944 (2012)
  • Q. Chen, A. Braun, S. Yoon, N. Bagdassarov and T. Graule, Effect of lattice volume and compressive strain on the conductivity of BaCeY-oxide ceramic proton conductors. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. (2011), 2657-2661
  • Q. Chen, J. Embs, V. Pomjakushin, B. Frick, A. Braun, S. Holdsworth, High-temperature high pressure cell for neutron-scattering studies, High Pressure Research 32 (4), 471-481 (2012)
  • A. Braun, F. Aksoy Akgul, Q. Chen, S. Erat, T.-W. Huang, N. Jabeen, Z. Liu, B. S. Mun, S. S. Mao, X. Zhang, Observation of substrate orientation dependent oxygen defect filling in thin WO3-δ/TiO2 pulsed laser deposited films with in-situ XPS at high oxygen pressure and temperature, Chem. Mater. 24 (17), 3473-3480 (2012)
  • S. Wenger, P.-A. Bouit, Q. Chen, J. l. Teuscher, D. D. Censo, R. Humphry-Baker, J.-E. Moser, J. L. Delgado, N. Marti?n, S. M. Zakeeruddin and M. Gra?tzel, Efficient Electron Transfer and Sensitizer Regeneration in Stable π-Extended Tetrathiafulvalene-Sensitized Solar Cells, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 5164 (2010).
  • Q. Chen, T.-W. Huang, M. Baldini, A. Hushur, V. Pomjakushin, S. Clark, W. L. Mao, M. H. Manghnani, A. Braun and T. Graule, Effect of compressive strain on the Raman modes of the dry and hydrated BaCe0.8Y0.2O3 proton conductor, J. Phys. Chem. C 115(48), 24021-24027 (2011)
  • Q.-L. Chen, K. Herrmann, F. Menelao. Comparative study about the determination of the Young‘s modulus of thin layers with the instrumented indentation test and the laser-acoustic measuring method, China Measurement Technology 33, 77(2007).
  • Y. Zhang, W. Sun, Q. Chen and L. Chen. Synthesis and heavy metal immobilization behaviors of slag based geopolymer, Journal of Hazardous Materials 143, 206-213(2007).
  • A. Braun, S. Erat, X. Zhang, Q. Chen, T.-W. Huang, F. Aksoy, R. Lo?hnert, Z. Liu, S. S. Mao and T. Graule, Surface and bulk oxygen vacancy defect states near the Fermi energy in 100 nm WO3-δ/TiO2 (110) film: A resonant valence band photoemission spectroscopy study, J. Phys. Chem. C 115 (33), 16411-16417 (2011)
  • Q. Chen, A. Braun, A. Ovalle, C.-D. Savaniu, T. Graule and N. Bagdassarov, Hydrostatic pressure decreases the proton mobility in the hydrated BaZr0.9Y0.1O3 proton conductor, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 041902 (2010).
  • Q. Chen, A. Braun, Elucidating the biography of a proton in a proton conductor with neutrons and X-rays, Swiss Neutron News 45, 14-22 (2015)