

  • 1997-09 ~ 2001-07    四川大学     材料加工工程  学士
  • 2001-09 ~ 2004-07    四川大学     材料加工工程  硕士
  • 2004-09 ~ 2007-11    华中科技大学     材料加工工程  博士
  • 2007-12 ~ 2009-11    上海交通大学  博士后
  • 2009-12 ~ 2011-11    77779193永利  讲师
  • 2010-08 ~ 2011-01    The University of Melbourne材料系  访问学者
  • 2011-12 ~ 2016-12    上海交通大学77779193永利  副教授
  • 2013-12 ~ 2014-12    Monash University材料系  访问学者
  • 2016-12 ~ 至今    上海交通大学77779193永利  研究员
  • 先进材料合成与凝固理论
  • 同步辐射原位表征技术

主持国家自然科学基金(5项)、973计划子课题、国家重点研发计划子课题、工信部重大专项子课题、上海市自然基金及中国博士后特别资助等20余项国家(省部)级项目。在本领域权威期刊Acta Mater、Sci Rep、Scripta Mater、Metall Mater Trans A等上发表SCI论文63篇,其中第一作者和通讯作者48篇;与李建国教授合作翻译出版本领域权威著作《凝固原理》。申请专利11项,授权10项;多次受邀参加国内外学术会议担任分会主席并作邀请报告。

  • 2019年 国家优秀青年科学基金获得者
  • 2018年 上海市人才发展资金资助计划
  • 2014年 上海市青年科技启明星计划(A类)
  • 2009年 湖北省优秀博士学位论文
  • 2017年 上海交通大学晨星-教授优秀青年学者奖励计划
  • 2016年 上海交通大学SMC-晨星青年学者奖励计划(A类)
  • 2011年 上海交通大学SMC-晨星青年学者奖励计划(B类)
  • Y. Huang, Q. Hu*, J. Hou, J. Li*, High isothermal internal friction over a large temperature range for dual-phase Ni-Mn-In magnetic shape memory alloy, Scripta Materialia 87 (2014) 21-24
  • Y. Huang, Q. Hu*, J. Liu, L. Zeng, D. Zhang, J. Li*, Banded-like morphology and martensitic transformation of dual-phase Ni-Mn-In magnetic shape memory alloy with enhanced ductility, Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 5702-5712
  • Z. Ding, Q. Hu*, W. Lu, S. Sun, M. Xia, J. Li, A full view of the interfacial behavior between the liquid Al and solid Ni by synchrotron radiation, Metallurgical Materials Transaction A 50 (2019) 300-310
  • Z. Ding, Q. Hu*, W. Lu, S. Sun, M. Xia, J. Li, Continuous morphological transition and its mechanism of Al3Ni phase at the liquid-solid interface during solidification, Metallurgical Materials Transaction A 50 (2019) 556-561
  • X. Ge, Q. Hu*, W. Lu, S. Cao, L. Yang, M. Xu, M. Xia, J. Li, Polymorphic transition and nucleation pathway of barium dititanate (BaTi2O5) during crystallization from undercooled liquid, Scientific Reports 9 (2019) 7207
  • Z. Ding, Q. Hu*, W. Lu, S. Sun, M. Xia, J. Li, In situ observation on the formation of intermetallics compounds at the interface of liquid Al/ solid Ni, Scripta Materialia 130 (2017) 214-218
  • Z. Ding, Q. Hu*, W. Lu, S. Sun, M. Xia, J. Li. In situ observation on the diversified morphology and growth behavior of Al3Ni phase at the liquid Al/solid Ni interface, Metallurgical Materials Transaction A 49 (2018) 1486-1491
  • W. Lu, S. Zhang, W. Zhang, Q. Hu*, J. Yu, Y. Fu, J. Li*, A Full View of the Segregation Evolution in Al-Bi Immiscible Alloy,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 48 (2017) 2701-2705
  • S. Sun, Q. Hu*, W. Lu, Z. Ding, M. Xia, J. Li, In-situ observation on bubble behavior of solidifying Al-Ni alloy under the interference of intermetallic compounds, Metallurgical Materials Transaction A 429 (2018) 4429-4434
  • Q. Hu, L. Yang, Z. Zhou, Y. Huang, J. Li*, J. Li, Orientation relationship between magnetic domains and twins in Ni52Fe17Ga27Co4 magnetic shape memory alloy,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 48 (2017) 2675-2682
  • L. Yang, Z. Zhou, J. Qian, X. Ge, J. Li*, Q. Hu*, J. Li. Peritectic Solidification Path of the La(Fe,Si)13 Phase in Dual-Phase Directionally Solidified La-Fe-Si Magnetocaloric Alloys. Metallurgical Materials Transaction A 48 (2017) 4229-4238
  • Q. Hu*,Z. Zhou,L. Yang,Y. Huang,J. Li*,J. Li,On the driving forces of magnetically induced martensitic transformation in directionally solidified polycrystalline Ni-Mn-In meta-magnetic shape memory alloy with structural anisotropy, Metallurgical Materials Transaction A 48 (2017) 5480-5491
  • Q. Hu,P. Luo*,Y. Yan,J. Li,Quantitative analysis of heterogeneous microstructure and diversified strengthening mechanisms in spark plasma sintered molybdenum disilicide,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46 (2015) 1443-1449
  • Z. Ding, Q. Hu*, W. Lu, X. Ge, S. Cao, S. Sun, M. Xia, J. Li. Microstructural evolution and growth behavior of intermetallic compounds at the liquid Al/solid Fe interface by synchrotron X-ray radiography, Materials Characterization 136 (2018) 157-164
  • X. Ge, Q. Hu*, W. Lu, S. Cao, L. Yang, M. Xu, M. Xia, J. Li, Ambiguous temperature difference in aerodynamic levitation process: Modelling, solving and application, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 35(2019) 1636-1643
  • Z. Ding, Q. Hu*, W. Lu, X. Ge, S. Cao, S. Sun, T. Yang, M. Xia, J. Li,In-situ study on hydrogen bubble evolution in the liquid Al/solid Ni interconnection by synchrotron radiation X-ray radiography, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 35(2019) 1338-1392
  • Q. Hu*, X. Zhao, S. Sun, H. Zheng, S. Cao, J. Li, M. Zhang, Kinetic role of Cu content in reaction process, behavior and their relationship among Cu-Zr-C system, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 35(2019)2375-2382
  • Y. Huang,Q. Hu*,J. Li*,Design in Ni-Mn-In magnetic shape-memory alloy using compositional maps, Applied Physics Letters 101 (2012) 222403
  • W. Lu, S. Zhang*, Q. Hu*, J. Li,* Interaction between L2 droplets and L1/L interface in solidifying Al-Bi immiscible alloy, Materials Letters 182 (2016) 351-354
  • Z. Zhou, L. Yang, R. Li, J. Li*, Q. Hu*, J. Li, Martensitic transformations and kinetics in Ni-Mn-In-Mg shape memory alloys, Intermetallics 92 (2018) 49-54
  • Q. Hu, P. Luo, M.Zhang, J. Li*. Combustion and formation behavior of hybrid ZrB2 and ZrC particles in Al-Zr-B4C system during self-propagation high temperature synthesis. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 31 (2012): 89-95.
  • Z. Zhou, L. Yang, J. Wang, T. Jin, Y. Huang, J. Li*, Q. Hu*, J. Li, Internal friction behaviors of Ni-Mn-In magnetic shape memory alloy with two-step structural transformation, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International 27 (2017) 356-361
  •   [25] Q. Hu, M. Zhang, P. Luo, M. Song, J. Li*. Thermal explosion synthesis of ZrC particles and their mechanism of formation from Al-Zr-C elemental powders. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials (2012) 35: 251-256.
  • M. Zhang, Q. Hu*, Y. Huo, B. Huang, J. Li, Formation and growth mechanism of TiC terraces during self-propagating high-temperature synthesis from a Fe-Ti-C system,Journal of Crystal Growth,355 (2012) 140-144
  • Q. Hu, P. Luo, Y. Yan, J. Li*. Microstructure evolution and wear properties of bulk MoSi2 fabricated by field activated sintering. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials (2011) 29: 470-477