

办公电话:021- 54744246
  • 1996-09 ~ 2000-07    西安建筑科技大学       学士
  • 2000-09 ~ 2003-03    西安理工大学       硕士
  • 2003-03 ~ 2006-09    上海交通大学       博士
  • 2006-10 ~ 2009-06    上海交通大学  博士后
  • 2009-07 ~ 2013-09    英国Brunel 大学 BCAST  研究员,资深研究员
  • 2013-09 ~ 至今    上海交通大学  副教授、研究员
  • 无容器环境及X射线原位分析技术
  • 城市矿山纯化技术
  • 相转变过程的原子机理
  • 复杂结构铸件的精密成形

主要从事凝固过程中的形核及生长过程的理论研究、控制及其在现代工业生产中的应用,凝固控制设备的研制开发,新型材料的受控凝固。近年聚焦同步辐射、X射线、HRTEM等分析方法研究金属熔体凝固过程中的原子团簇结构演变过程的结构解析和热力学分析;同步辐射、微焦点X射线原位分析技术及装备;高温合金智能铸造工艺及装备一体化开发。提出金属凝固过程的路径选择机制,从熔体结构、形核基底等方面研究液固转变过程路径控制的原子机理。所研发的单晶叶片智能制备装备及微焦点原位分析显微镜已获多项中国专利,相关产品已在市场投放并获得较好反响。先后承担或作为主要负责人参与10余项国家自然基金重大仪器、创新群体、面上、重大研究计划培育项目、两机专项及科技部重点研发计划,承担并负责10余项地方合作项目。创业项目先后获得江苏省创新基金、苏州市天使基金和常熟市双创人才支持。在Sci. Rep.,Acta Mater.,Appl. Phys. Lett.,Metall. Mater. Trans. A,Mater. Charact.,Mater. Sci. Eng. A等国内外杂志发表论文百余篇。参与撰写专著1本。长期担任Acta Mater., J. Alloys Comp., Mater. Sci. Tech., J. Non-crystalline Solids, Metall. Mater. Trans. A等多家杂志的特约审稿人。

  • 美国TMS专业会员(The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Professional Membership)  
  • 2008年上海市优秀博士论文奖
  • Wang, B., Zeng, L., Ren, N., Xia, M. (Co-Corresponding Author), Li, J. A comprehensive understanding of grain selection in spiral grain selector during directional solidification(2022) Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 102, pp. 204-212.
  • Yu P., Xia M.( Co-Corresponding Author), Han X. (Co-Corresponding Author), Cao S., Zhao Y., Zeng L., Li J., Atomic structure transition for various solidification paths of Pd40Ni40P20 at different cooling rates, Scripta Materialia, 219(2022)114891.
  • Yu P., Xia M.( Co-Corresponding Author), Han X. (Co-Corresponding Author), Cao S., Zhao Y., Zeng L., Li J., Atomic structure transition for various solidification paths of Pd40Ni40P20 at different cooling rates, Scripta Materialia, 219(2022)114891.
  • S. Cao, L. Zeng, M. Xia (Corresponding Author), M. Xu, X. Ge, Y. Wang, W. Lu, Y. Fu, X.H. Xie, J.G. Li, Quantitative Relationship Between the Nucleation Undercooling of Liquid Iron and Its Liquid Structure: Investigated by In Situ Synchrotron Radiation, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 51(2020)3754-3758.
  • N. Ren, J. Li*, N. Bogdan, M. Xia (Co-Corresponding Author), J.G. Li, Simulation of dendritic remelting and fragmentation using coupled cellular automaton and Eulerian multiphase model, Computational Materials Science, 180(2020)109714.
  • L. Wang, W. Lu, Q. Hu, M. Xia (Corresponding Author), Y. Wang, JG Li, Interfacial tuning for the nucleation of liquid AlCu alloy, Acta Materialia,139(2017)75-85.
  • L. Wang, L. Yang, D. Zhang, M. Xia (Corresponding Author), Y. Wang, J.G. Li, The role of lattice misfit on heterogneous nucleation of pure Aluminum, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 47(2016)5012.
  • Z. Fan, Y. Wang, M. Xia, A. Sumathy, Enhanced heterogeneous nucleation in AZ91D alloy by intensive melt shearing, Acta Materialia, 57(2009)4891-4901.
  • M. Xia (Corresponding Author), S. Zhang, J. Li, C. Ma. Thermal stability and its prediction of bulk metallic glass systems, Applied Physics Letters, 88(2006)261913.
  • M. Xia (Corresponding Author), S. Zhang, C. Ma, J. Li, Evaluation of Glass-forming ability for metallic glasses based on order-disorder competition, Applied Physics Letters, 89(2006)091917.