- 2003-09 ~ 2007-07 东北大学 材料与冶金 学士
- 2007-09 ~ 2009-07 东北大学 材料与冶金 硕士
- 2011-04 ~ 2015-12 上海交通大学 材料科学与工程 博士
- 2015-11 ~ 2017-12 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 博士后
- 2018-01 ~ 2022-10 77779193永利 助理研究员
- 轻合金塑性成形及表面处理技术
- 晶体塑性,相场法
主要从事高性能轻合金材料使役性能、腐蚀与防护、电化学涂层等方面的研究工作。近年来,负责国家自然科学青年基金《镁合金晶体塑形-相场法动态耦合循环塑性模型研究》,国家共性技术子课题《大尺寸镁稀土合金铸锭制备技术》,重点实验室基金《镁合金高频微弧氧化/化学镀镍高致密复合涂层研究》等项目,负责多项企业横向科研项目如:《大尺寸高强耐蚀镁稀土合金制备技术开发》等课题;在International Journal of Plasticity,Acta Materialia,Mater. Sci. Eng. A等期刊上发表SCI文章十余篇。
- Shuai Dong, Qin Yu, Yan-Yao Jiang, Jie Dong, Feng-hua Wang, Li Jin, Wen-jiang Ding, Characteristic cyclic plastic deformation in ZK60 magnesium alloy, International Journal of Plasticity 91 (2017) 25-47.
- Shuai Dong, Qin Yu, Yanyao Jiang, Jie Dong, Fenghua Wang, Wenjiang Ding, Electron backscatter diffraction observations of twinning-detwinning evolution in a magnesium alloy subjected to large strain amplitude cyclic loading, Materials & Design, 65(2015)762-765
- C. Liu, P. Shanthraj*, J.D. Robson, M. Diehl, S. Dong*, J. Dong, W. Ding, D. Raabe. On the interaction of precipitates and tensile twins in magnesium Alloys, Acta Materialia 178 (2019) 146-162
- Shuai Dong, Yanyao Jiang, Jie Dong, Fenghua Wang, Wenjiang Ding, Cyclic deformation and fatigue of extruded ZK60 magnesium alloy with aging effects, Materials Science & Engineering A 615 (2014) 262–272
- Shuai Dong, Fenghua Wang, Qu Wan, Jie Dong, Wenjiang Ding, Yanyao Jiang, Aging effects on cyclic deformation and fatigue of extruded Mg–Gd–Y–Zr alloy, Materials Science & Engineering A, 641 (2015) 1-9