

  • 1991-08 ~ 1995-07    西北工业大学     材料科学与工程专业  学士
  • 1995-09 ~ 1998-03    西北工业大学     材料科学与工程专业  硕士
  • 2003-03 ~ 2003-03    中科院上海硅酸盐研究所       博士
  • 1998-03 ~ 2000-03    山东省硅酸盐研究所  工程师
  • 2003-04 ~ 2004-12    日本名古屋工业大学  COE项目博士后研究员
  • 2005-01 ~ 2006-03    日本产业技术综合研究所  AIST特别研究员
  • 2006-04 ~ 2007-03    日本丰桥技术科学大学电子工程系  产学官连携研究员
  • 2007-04 ~ 2014-12    77779193永利  副教授
  • 2007-04 ~ 2008-03    日本丰桥技术科学大学  访问副教授
  • 2009-06 ~ 2010-08    澳大利亚国立大学  澳大利亚研究理事会,高级研究员
  • 2015-01 ~ 2022-06    77779193永利  研究员、博士生导师
  • 2022-07 ~ 至今    77779193永利  长聘教授、博士生导师
  • 电子功能陶瓷与器件
  • 柔性电子材料与器件

研究成果包括首先制备出具有高压电活性的铌酸钾钠系无铅压电陶瓷并揭示了它们具有高压电活性的本质;首先通过化学溶液法制备除了无铅钛酸铋钠-钛酸钡固溶体系的薄膜;首先发现钛酸铋钠-钛酸钡体系中反铁电相可与铁电相在室温下共存,该陶瓷具有与PZT陶瓷相当应变,可望取代PZT被广泛用于驱动器中;首先揭示了BiFeO3薄膜中的氧空位和极化都可诱导可反转的光伏及二极管效应;首先解明了半导体铁电材料中的多能态结构及其形成机制;首先以电子级玻纤布为基底制备出宏观柔性,微观刚性可穿戴柔性传感器及纳米发电机。目前正在开展研究方向有:1、半导体铁电材料及其在能源和环境领域的应用;2、功能陶瓷(铁电、压电)结构-性能关系及相关器件的制备。以第一作者及通讯作者发表论文120余篇,包括Science , Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano EnergyNano-Micro Letters等,文章发表以来,产生了较为广泛的学术影响,文章引用次数超过8200余篇次。先后获得过浦江人才计划,国家自然科学基金面上、重点项目,国家重点研发专项课题,上海市科委重点基础研究项目、军品配套项目及多项企业合作项目的支持。 国际发明专利2项,日本国发明专利2项,中国发明专利20

  • • Geng Huangfu, Kun Zeng, Yiping Guo* et.al, Giant electric field–induced strain in lead-free piezoceramics, Science, Vol.378, 1125, 2022.
  • • Zhipeng Zheng, Jiaoyuan Xia, Binquan Wang, Yiping Guo*, Hierarchically designed nanocomposites for triboelectric nanogenerator toward biomechanical energy harvester and smart home system, Nano Energy, Vol.95, 107047, 2022.
  • • Wen Dong, Hongyuan Xiao, Yiping Guo* et.al, Engineering the Defects and Microstructures in Ferroelectrics for Enhanced/Novel Properties: An Emerging Way to Cope with Energy Crisis and Environmental Pollution, Advanced Science, 2105368,2022.
  • • Zhipeng Zheng,Yujie Chen, Yiping Guo* et. al, Design of high-performance triboelectric-piezoelectric hybridized mechanical energy harvester inspired by three-phase asynchronous generator, Nano Energy, vol.108,108236,2023.
  • • Binquan Wang, Geng Huangfu, Yiping Guo* et.al, Giant Electric Field-Induced Strain with High Temperature-Stability in Textured KNN-Based Piezoceramics for Actuator Applications, Advanced Functional Materials,2214643, 2023.
  • • Peiru Zhou, Zhipeng Zheng, Binquan Wang, Yiping Guo*, Self-powered flexible piezoelectric sensors based on self-assembled 10 nm BaTiO₃ nanocubes on glass fiber fabric, Nano Energy, Vol. 99, 107400,2022.
  • • Zhipeng Zheng, Di Yu, Binquan Wang, Yiping Guo*, Ultrahigh sensitive, eco-friendly, transparent triboelectric nanogenerator for monitoring human motion and vehicle movement, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol.446, 137393,2022.
  • • Zhipeng Zheng, Di Yu, Yiping Guo*, Dielectric Modulated Glass Fiber Fabric-Based Single Electrode Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Efficiently Biomechanical Energy Harvesting, Advanced Functional Materials, 2102431,2022.
  • • Qi Zhao, Hongyuan Xiao, Yiping Guo* et,al, Highly-efficient piezocatalytic performance of nanocrystalline BaTi0. 89Sn0. 11O3 catalyst with Tc near room temperature, Nano Energy, Vol.85, 106028,2021.
  • • Geng Huangfu, Hongyuan Xiao, Yiping Guo*, et.al, Visible or Near-Infrared Light Self-Powered Photodetectors Based on Transparent Ferroelectric Ceramics, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, Vol 12,33950, 2020.
  • • Hongyuan Xiao, Wen Dong, Yiping Guo* et.al, Visible/near-infrared light absorbed nano-ferroelectric for efficient photo-piezocatalytic water splitting and pollutants degradation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 416, 125808,2021.
  • • Di Yu, Zhipeng Zheng, Yiping Guo* et.al, Superflexible and Lead-Free Piezoelectric Nanogenerator as a Highly Sensitive Self-Powered Sensor for Human Motion Monitoring, Nano-Micro Letters, Vol.13, 117,2021.
  • • Sibo He, Wen Dong, Yiping Guo,*et.al, Piezoelectric thin film on glass fiber fabric with structural hierarchy: An approach to high-performance, superflexible, cost-effective, and large-scale nanogenerators, Nano Energy, Vol.59, 745,2019.
  • • Hongyuan Xiao, Wen Dong, Yiping Guo,* et.al, Design for Highly Piezoelectric and Visible/Near‐Infrared Photoresponsive Perovskite Oxides, Advanced Materials, Vol 31, 201805802, 2019.
  • 上海市浦江人才计划
  • 上海市自然科学一等奖(排名第四)
  • 上海交通大学教书育人奖
  • 上海交通大学优异学士论文指导老师
  • 上海市优秀硕士论文指导老师
  • 上海交通大学77779193永利优秀硕士学位论文指导老师
  • 2016-2022年爱思维尔材料学科中国高被引学者